what to do on valentines day when it falls on a thursday.

when valentine’s day falls on a week day, i can hear the sigh of relief coming from partners who loathe the holiday.  who loathe it even more when it falls during the weekend, because well, it’s the weekend, so to us romantics it means an entire weekend full of lovely doveyness.  you’re off the hook this year.  next year though – be ready.  you have been warned.  valentine’s day is on a friday and a weekend gateway to a cozy bed and breakfast might be expected.

me?  i like to celebrate all the people i love on valentine’s day.  i like homemade cards and cookies decorated with red and pink and white.  i don’t want or expect anything elaborate from my significant other.  mohawk knows this, but still always gets me flowers and chocolate – and i love him for that.  classic.

so – what to do on a thursday evening?

1. make dinner together.  if you drink – pop open a bottle of wine.  if you don’t drink, pizzaz up your favourite juice with fizzy water and frozen pieces of fruit.

photo by scarlet o'neill
photo by scarlet o’neill

VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL: there are two things you can do to avoid fighting while in the kitchen together.

  • one needs to have a plan – take on the role of the chef (you don’t need to admit that this is the case to said other as to not hurt their ego.)
  • one needs to be the helper (or in my case, the strong man who can open lids that i can’t and chop those vegetables that are so tedious.)  also, make it easy!  dinner doesn’t have to be a 6 hour labour intensive process to be delicious and yummy.  taste your food and trust your taste buds.

2. take a bubble bath.


or if you think cramming into a tiny bathtub together could be uncomfortable – have a really hot shower and rub each other down with big loofah sponges full of scented puffy soap suds.  if that doesn’t get you in a lovey mood – you’re not putting that loofah in the right places.  (gasp!)

3. watch a movie.


a scary one or romantic one.  romantic-comedies are my favourite.  they are cheesy and awesome.  don’t deny it.  declare a snuggle fest and settle in for the night.

alone on valentine’s day?  no problem.  you can still do everything i just listed here.  you can.  trust me.

have a happy valentines day lovers – wherever you are.

© Becky Siddall and littlesiddallstudios 2012-2013.

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