with moving comes a new neighbourhood. a new coffee shop. a new grocery store. a new route to work.
i like the new adventure. the change.
Josh and i awoke at noon on saturday, after a night of partying with work colleagues. i put the party together, so i was exhausted and felt well deserved of the extra sleep.
i coerced mohawk into walking with me to the St. Lawrence Market. walking is not his favourite thing to do. i would have hopped on the back of his bike if we knew where the bike lock went during the move. (one of the MANY things that have gone M.I.A – missing – in – apartment, over the course of the move)
since we woke up so late, we missed getting to the farmer’s market that closes at 3pm and is only open on saturdays. we had plenty of time to walk around the south market though, which is also open during the week. the next saturday to come that i have free, you better believe i’m waking up early! with or without mohawk!
other than one time with my dad that i can remember, well over 10 years ago, i haven’t stepped foot into the St. Lawrence Market. no idea why. now that i live so close, i have no excuse not to take advantage of one of the top 10 food markets in the world – that’s what National Geographic thinks anyways. i would have to agree with them.
don’t walk into the market hungry – you will want to buy EVERYTHING IN SIGHT! thank goodness i had only a tiny amount of cash in my wallet and i refuse to pay the ATM fee to take out cash, so i bought very little and looked only with my eyes.
below are a few shots that i took while strolling through the main floor of the south market – many of which i will be back to try! oh, and of course, a picture of tut. because it wouldn’t be a little bit about my week without a little bit of tut.
happy sunday – wherever you are.
© Becky Siddall and littlesiddallstudios July 8th, 2012.