she’d get lost in the leaves.
1 | how is it already the end of october? do you know what you’re doing for halloween? a trip to canada’s wonderland is in order for a good scare and anyone looking for spooky inspiration should visit martha stewart.
2 | having only just learnt how to make poached eggs (thanks Adrienne!), i decided to keep practicing and made them for brunch this saturday for some visiting friends. poached eggs on top of blanched asparagus – along side roasted potatoes, tomatoes, onions and garlic drizzled in niagara grapeseed oil and chopped fresh oregano. all from the farmers market – of course. i love breakfast food so much! and when it’s also 100% local – happy happy joy joy!
3 | found this article on home renovation to be rather interesting. i dream of the day that i own a house. one that needs lots of tender loving care. one with an open door policy.
happy sunday – wherever you are!