the first thing mohawk said when i walked in the door having just been to a free williams-sonoma cooking class on how to make omelettes was “i’m hungry”.
“great! want an omelette?” was my immediate response. let’s see if i learned anything during the one hour-long demo the store puts on. it was a long hour to have to stand in one spot (my back hates me) but well worth it if i could bang out a killer omelette.
lo and behold – the top picture was my first attempt! yippee! i was so happy with the turn out, i made mohawk wait to eat it so that i could take a picture.
this was my second time attending a williams-sonoma cooking class. classes are always on saturday mornings at the location i go to. the pan-frying class my mother and i attended paid off in my kitchen so i think its fair to say i’ll be attending as many of the classes as i can. call ahead, reserve your own spot and at the end of the class you’ll get a 10% discount to use on anything in the store. i can’t wait to re-create the philly cheese steak omelette that was prepared for and then devoured by all the participants at the cooking class.
so – how did i make my spinach omelette?
this calphalon nonstick fry pan* would be ideal. any non-stick pan will do. turn your stove on to medium to medium-high heat. butter in the pan. swirl to coat the pan. leave it be while you do the next step.
bowl. crack eggs into bowl. however many you’d like. 3 goes a long way and in a medium-sized pan – fits & cooks up well. i used 5 left over egg whites from crème brûlée i made on valentine’s day and added one whole egg to the mix. salt & pepper. 1 tbsp of milk. whisk for 20-30 seconds… with a whisk. a fork won’t allow enough air to travel through the goo. don’t over mix your eggs – it will make them tough.
the butter in the pan will be foamy at this point. pour those eggs into the pan. grab a spatula. something that has some give to it. i have a favourite spatula from williams-sonoma that i use in my kitchen. don’t fuss around with the eggs too much. lightly pushing at the sides of the pan, loosening the egg and tilting the pan to allow the runny bits to fall below. i added chopped up spinach to half of the omelette once it was just a gooey centre, and proceeded to hold my breath as i attempted to roll the omelette up into a perfect package. i think i succeeded! what do you think? do you have omelette troubles of your own?
note: an asterisks indicates an item i covet, not one that i own. a girl can dream.