i’m just winging it.


take a peak at my instagram feed and you’ll quickly notice that i spend lots of time with tut and my laptop.
do not be fooled though – the truth is…
i’m just winging it.
when it comes to this blog and the back end of things.

ha ha – back end.
i’m such a child at heart.

i’ve seen it happen to other awesome bloggers i follow – site down due to maintenance – i have nightmares about this happening.  do i have a backup?  how often should i backup?  should i care?  it’s just words.  words i never want to forget though.

one day this site is not going to work and i’m not going to know why.
because – i’m just winging it.

are you someone who’s just winging it too?  here’s hoping i’m not alone.
what can i say – i’m a creative first and techie second – but i’m learning!  google is a wonderful thing.

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