garlic scapes – but what the heck do you do with them?


it comes and goes oh so quickly.  if you are lucky enough, you will be able to take advantage of garlic scape season.  prepared in advance, you can enjoy garlic scapes well into the winter too.

garlic scape pesto & garlic scape butter.  yes please!

sautéing garlic scapes in butter is my favourite!  it’s honestly a joy just to chop them up and they smell fantastic!  i throw them in with eggs for my breakfast.  or i’ll chop them into 2 inch sticks and roast them with potatoes, tomatoes, onions, whatever kind of veggies i have in the house.

black sheep farms said – the season can start as early as the beginning of june and only lasts for a couple of weeks.  last year their scape season ran from mid to end of June – it all depends on how early/warm/wet spring is each year.

i haven’t seen them pop up at my local farmers’ market yet, but when i do, you better believe i’ll be snatching them right up!  check out this super cute article from the messy baker, making soup out of a scapes.  a lot of scapes.  mmm.

Becky Gean and littlesiddallstudios – June 11th, 2014.

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