How do you define success?
It seems that as the years have gone by, in one way or another, I’ve been cheerleading myself on. Whether it was through words in blog posts or writing inspirational quotes in my notebook, there’s an optimism that has seeped through and continues to be a baseline that also houses happiness and joy.
It’s taken work. Journaling has saved me on more than one occasion along the way. Nothing but thanks for my grade 4 school teacher for handing me my first journal. In it, wise words I’d like to share with you today. Maybe you start your own journal, or maybe you encourage another to do so. Whatever the case may be – I can’t begin to explain the beneficial release I have personally felt in free writing throughout my lifetime. Maybe that’s partially how and why this newsletter began as well. We’ll never know.

YOU, are allowed to keep a journal.
You may write anything you wish in it. Only you will read it. If anyone feels the need to disrespect your privacy, you can kindly tell them to, fuck off.You’ll be amazed how your journal will begin to communicate and listen to you. You can write about school, home, friends. You can share fun or funny things. You can share sad things and what might be bothering you. Your journal “will listen”. You may even ask it questions.