a scary movie. a birthday. and a pic of my cat.

the paper place on queen st west in toronto was hosting a letter-writing night.  being a lover of all things crafty, especially paper, i had to go.  it was a huge turn out!  they had lemonade and macaroons (the way to my heart) as refreshments.  i wrote a letter to each of my grandmas while i was there and popped them in the mail on my way home.

– josh is a lover of scary movies.  me?  not so much.  we started what we call “Obscure Movie Night” – this can be held on any particular night of the week, but tend to be mondays.  we flip-flop who gets to pick the movie.  this time it was his turn.

paranormal activity 3.  great.  i thought i was in the clear after the first two.  nope.  and the fourth one is out this october – which i’m sure i’ll also be coaxed into watching.  little does he know i’ve planned a fantastic feeler chick flick for us next week.

okay, i’m lying.  i don’t have one planned.  suggestions?

– OH!  and i guess i should tell you!  the actual physical mohawk got put into hibernation again.  i have to say, it’s a little freaky waking up to what you think is a stranger next to you – you know that jolt out of your skin feeling.

then realize, no, wait – josh has just shaved his mohawk off.
that and, oh right becky – this is the reason you need corrective lenses.

– more macaroons!!!  the perfect ending to my perfect birthday weekend of camping.  i LOVE camping.  we enjoyed delicious food cooked over the fire all weekend.  i had a wonderful surprise show up straight to my campsite.  two friends that i didn’t think were coming!  what a lovely birthday present!  i even got to blow out candles on some fantastic double chocolate white chocolate chunk brownies with ganache that my dear friend andy made.

– and for tut – he had his first veterinary visit this week.  he’s not the happiest with me right now.

© Becky Siddall and littlesiddallstudios 2012.

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